Documentation Show branch/info $git branch -v -a $git branch -a $git branch -r $git remote show origin List revision $git rev-list -n 2 HEAD -- <file_path> Retrieve new branch $git fetch origin $git fetch origin --prune Create Branch $git checkout -b test origin/test Set upstream $git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<BRANCH> <BRANCH>Push to Origin $git push -u origin <BRANCH>Merge $git merge --no-ff <BRANCH> Reset $git fetch origin $git reset --hard origin/master Remove delete local branch $git branch -d testing $git branch -D testing (force) Delete branch $git push origin :<BRANCH> or :refs/heads/<BRANCH>Undelete if a file was removed but not commit $git reset <file> else $git checkout <file> ?? Get revision $git checkout <revision>^ -- <file_path> Rebase (update to one commit) $git update-ref -m "reset: Reset <branch> to <new commit>" refs/heads/<branch> <commit> Merge/cherry pick $git cherry-pick b50788b (note: don't forget to do a pull locally from the origin branch) |
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